March 3, 2025
* Mod: Full compatibility with Android 15
* Mod: Layout edge-to-edge
* Mod: Crediting time during a plan change
* Add: Albanian language (by Rezeart)
January 15, 2025
* Mod: Additional languages will be downloaded separately
* Upd: Updated some external libraries
December 13, 2024
* Fix: Restore values when view is recreated
* Mod: Improved purchase management
November 14, 2024
* Add: Catalan, Danish, Finnish, Malay, Slovenian, Swedish languages
* Fix: File name when a file with the same name exists on the path
November 06, 2024
* Add: Icelandic and Thai languages
* Upd: General update of the languages
October 23, 2024
* Upd: Updated some external libraries
September 20, 2024
* Fix: Restarting the app when you reset settings
* Add: Possibility to interface with a virtual assistant before contacting us
* Upd: General update of the languages
August 22, 2024
* Upd: Khmer language (by H.E CHAN Mithona)
August 01, 2024
* New: Adaptive icon
* Accessibility: Improved some layouts to accommodate larger fonts
* Upd: Splash screen
June 12, 2024
* Upd: Target SDK 34
* Upd: Some external libraries have been updated
* Add: Khmer language (by HE CHAN Mithona)
* Upd: General update of the languages
April 22, 2024
* Fix: Crash when printing or creating a PDF with consumption that is not fully managed by the slots
March 11, 2024
* New: Save report as PDF
* Mod: Improved print layout
* Add: Uzbek language (by Lofchi)
* Upd: General update of the languages
January 22, 2024
* Mod: Various graphic renovations
* Fix: Restarting the app when you reset settings
December 19, 2023
* Add: Possibility to benefit from a free trial period
* Mod: The paywall has been renewed
* Mod: Improved purchasing and license management
October 24, 2023
* Upd: Updated some external libraries
September 20, 2023
* Mod: New email address for contact us
* Mod: build.gradle rewrited in Kotlin
July 31, 2023
* Add: Japanese language
* Add: Traditional Chinese language
* Add: Korean language
* Add: Currency symbols: ₺, 圓, NT$
* Upd: General update of the languages
* Fix: Crash when searching for an update
June 08, 2023
* New: Renewed the app icon
* Mod: New bar chart
* Fix: The translation tool was not sending the email correctly
* Mod: Improved checking for updates
* Upd: Hindi language (by KamPoo)
* Upd: General update of the languages
* Upd: Updated some external libraries
* Upd: Target SDK 33
* Upd: Ad consent manager
March 01, 2023
* Fix: Minor bug fix
January 09, 2023
* Add: New default loads
* Fix: Minor bug fix
November 21, 2022
* New: Ability to create your own bill list to analyze the expense and view the charts
* Fix: Correct export of complete text to file
* Upd: German language (by Toni)
* Upd: General update of the languages
September 11, 2022
* Upd: General update of the languages
June 06, 2022
* Imp: Cold start times have been improved
* Add: Slovak language (by MartinS)
* Upd: General update of the languages
* Mod: AdMob mediation
April 12, 2022
* Upd: Improved compatibility with Android 12
March 16, 2022
* Upd: Updated some external libraries
* Upd: Hindi language (by Akshay UrMy)
* Upd: Arabic language (by khalaf Abdelradi Abdalla)
* Upd: Czech language (by Hubert Aschermann)
* Upd: General update of the languages
January 03, 2022
* Mod: Improved license management
* Fix: Zip Path Traversal Vulnerability
* Upd: Arabic language (by BackSomeDay)
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
October 11, 2021
* Add: Hebrew language (by Jakov)
September 28, 2021
* Upd: German language (by Andreas)
July 14, 2021
* Add: Other appliances available
July 02, 2021
* Add: Lifetime purchase
* Upd: Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
June 02, 2021
* Mod: Removed unused permissions
* Fix: Translation upload
May 07, 2021
* New: Rinnovate alcune parti grafiche
* Add: Diverse modifiche e miglioramenti
* Mod: Migliorata la dialog per il consenso GDPR
* Upd: Aggiornamento generico delle lingue
March 25, 2021
* Upd: Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
* Upd: General update of the languages
* Fix: Minor bug fix
January 14, 2021
* Add: Splash icon
* Add: Restore old key via the settings menu
December 16, 2020
* Fix: Bug languages not found
* Fix: Bug TagForUnderAge
* Upd: General update of the languages
December 13, 2020
* Fix: Currency code bug in subscription price
* Fix: Minor bugfix
* Upd: General update of the languages
October 22, 2020
* Fix: Purchases with Android 4
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
* Upd: General update of the languages
September 22, 2020
* Add: In-App purchases
* Add: Setting to disable the changelog at each update
* Add: Hindi language (by Revabhai D Bhankhariya)
September 04, 2020
* Upd: Arabic language (by Tamim Hamrit)
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
* Upd: General update of the languages
* Fix: Minor bugfix
July 15, 2020
* Add: Arabic language (by Djamel)
* Mod: The “Predefined loads” function is also available in the free version
* Upd: Indonesian language (by Sony Bejo)
* Mod: Native ads
* Upd: General update of languages
* Fix: Minor bugfix
April 26, 2020
* Add: Side menu
* Upd: Portuguese [PT] language (by Fernando Russo)
* Upd: General language update
February 20, 2020
* Fix: Crash with right-to-left layouts
February 18, 2020
* Mod: Restyling of some graphical components
* Upd: Spanish language (by Kovalsky)
December 13, 2019
* Upd: Greek language (by Gerasimos Iatrellis)
* Upd: Portuguese [BR] language (by Douglas)
* Upd: General update of languages
October 04, 2019
* Add: Page with other apps
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
May 06, 2019
* Mod: Migration to AndroidX
March 21, 2019
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
* Upd: Support to Android P
* Mod: Removed Firebase Invites
* Add: Pinterest Profile
January 09, 2019
* New: Settings backup
* Add: Bosnian language (by Ferid)
* Upd: Vietnamese language (by Ndnam)
December 06, 2018
* Fix: Minor bugfix
September 17, 2018
* Fix: Minor bugfix
July 30, 2018
* Upd: German language (by Andreas)
* Fix: Minor bugfix
June 03, 2018
* Add: Indonesian language (by handoko)
* Upd: Updated some languages
* Fix: Minor bugfix
April 13, 2018
* Add: Serbian language (by Vladimir Cvijovic)
* Upd: Polish language (by Filu)
* Fix: Notifications with Android Oreo
* Fix: Check update
* Fix: Appirater
November 10, 2017
* Add: Czech language (by Skipy)
* Add: Ukrainian language (by YuriiGuy)
* Upd: Russian language (by Murtozakul)
* Upd: Hungarian language (by Menyhárt Ferenc)
* Upd: Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
* Fix: Open/share files
August 27, 2017
* New: Translator Tool
* New: Splash screen
* Add: LinkedIn profile
* Fix: Default currency
* Fix: Static AsyncTask
* Fix: Alert dialogs
May 31, 2017
* Fix: Workaround for bug 19917
* Fix: Bug “IllegalArgumentException” in the request state of ProKey
* Fix: Amazon App Store (uk.amazon.mShop.android) not recognized
* Upd: Padding of icon
April 03, 2017
* Upd: German language (by Andreas)
* Upd: Persian language (by Sina Kheymedoozi)
* Fix: Layouts RTL
* Fix: Amazon App Store not recognized on Android 7
March 15, 2017
* Add: Nepali language (by Sagar Acharya)
* Mod: Renewed translation page
* Mod: Settings show selected value
* Fix: Bug “Unable to start activity ComponentInfo” in the request state of ProKey
February 08, 2017
* Add: Ability to insert loads also in the FREE version
* Add: Visualization consumption/costs daily, weekly, monthly and annual also in the FREE version
* Upd: Portuguese [BR] language (by Felipe Espitia)
* Mod: New style for AlertDialog and Toast
* Mod: Banner replaced with Interstitial
* Fix: Cursor at the end of EditText
* Fix: Bug “Dialog in OnPostExecute”
December 05, 2016
* Add: Preliminary compatibility with Android 7.1
* Add: Firebase with Invites
* Add: Bulgarian language (by Miroslav Minchev)
* Fix: Dialog for “Don’t keep activities” option
* Fix: DialogFileChooser fixSlashes bug
October 19, 2016
* ReFix: Slot bug
* Fix: Static AsyncTask
October 18, 2016
* Fix: Layout large-land bug
* Fix: Selected slot into the load view
* Fix: Minor bugfix
October 07, 2016
* Upd: Simplified Chinese language (by Tian Hongpeng)
* Fix: “Add slot” bug
* Fix: Minor bugfix
August 12, 2016
* New: Choice between Simple slots and Consumption level
* Add: Preliminary compatibility with Android N
* Add: Preliminary compatibility with Chromebook
* Upd: Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
* Upd: Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Upd: Romanian language (by Silvian Ionescu)
* Upd: Persian language (by Sajjad Asadbeygi)
* Upd: German language (by Ali Karadag)
* Upd: Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
* Upd: Croatian language (by Goran Arabadžić)
* Upd: Simplified Chinese language (by Tian Hongpeng)
* Add: FAQ for invalid ProKey
* Add: Privacy policy
June 22, 2016
* New: Layout
* Add: Romanian language (by Silvian Ionescu)
* Upd: Persian language (by Sajjad Asadbeygi)
* Mod: Popup menu
May 01, 2016
* New: Material design also for older devices
* Upd: Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Upd: Norwegian language (by Yassine)
* Upd: German language (by Matheusiin Villela)
* Fix: MultiprocessPreferences bug
March 03, 2016
* Upd: Russian language (by GudWin)
* Upd: Croatian language (by Goran Arabadžić)
* New: Buttons layout
* Fix: “%20” into new template name with space
* Add: Debug command line
February 02, 2016
* Upd: Portuguese [BR] language (by Fraga Junior)
* Fix: Compatibility with Android 6.0
December 22, 2015
* Fix: Identification double ProKey
December 21, 2015
* Fix: Compatibility with permissions of Android 6.0
December 19, 2015
* New: Time slots
* Add: Splash screen
* Add: Support to rtl languages
* Imp: Improved choice of currencies
* Imp: Improved some layouts
* Fix: Bug SecurityException
* Upd: Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
* Upd: Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Upd: Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
* Upd: New license check of the Pro Key
September 16, 2015
* Add: Tagalog language (by Jun Aron S)
* Fix: Bug exit app
June 15, 2015
* Add: Button “Delete all loads”
* Add: Notification before the involuntary closing of the app
* Fix: Sum kWh
* Fix: Crush “save template” on large-land screen
* Upd: Updated Spanish language (by Valentina Ragona)
* Upd: Updated Russian language (by Djek.Energetik)
* Upd: Updated Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Upd: Updated Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
* Fix: Various bugfix
May 16, 2015
* New: Consumption and cost daily/monthly/annual
* Upd: Updated Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
* Upd: Updated Russian language (by Djek.Energetik)
* Upd: Updated Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Upd: Updated Portuguese [BR] language (by Paulo Pepeleascov)
* Upd: Updated Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
March 22, 2015
* Add: Added Croatian language (by Goran Arabadžić)
* Fix: Minor bugfix
February 08, 2015
* Fix: Error saving template on Tablet 10″
February 05, 2015
* Add: Added Magyar language (by Molnár Zoltán)
* Add: Added Persian language (by Saeed Fardi)
* New: Material Design Theme for Android 5.0
* Fix: IllegalArgumentException: Not a supported ISO 3166 country
November 26, 2014
* Add: Support for Android 5.0
* Upd: Updated Russian language (by Djek.Energetik)
* Upd: Updated Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Add: Added Norwegian language (by drzordz)
* Add: Added Polish language (by drzordz)
* Fix: Fixed bug 0 template
November 10, 2014
* New: Possibility to save templates
October 03, 2014
* Add: Added Russian language (by Djek.Energetik)
* Add: Added German language (by Christopher-Anton Aicher and by Ali Karadag)
* Add: Added Portuguese language [BR] (by Paulo Pepeleascov)
* Add: Added Greek language (by Tasos Pergantis)
* Add: Added Spanish language (by Fabio López)
* Add: Added Vietnamese language (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)
September 19, 2014
* Add: Added Dutch language (by Robert Wintersteijn)
* Fix: Minor bugfix
September 08, 2014
* New: Defaults loads
* Add: Added Simplified Chinese language (by wxdjs)
* Add: Added Turkish language (by Bekir Aydogdu)
August 02, 2014
* Fix: Corrected crash “Unsupported ISO 3166 country”
July 30, 2014
* Fix: Corrected crash on Android 2.3
* Fix: Corrected layout landscape 10″
* Fix: Corrected numbering of loads
July 28, 2014
* Add: Added Portuguese (PT) language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Imp: Improved landscape layout for Tablet
* imp: Improved layout for small screens
July 24, 2014
* Release app